- Ability to embrace and enthusiastically implement the concept of the ideal learning place
- Has a mission which they want to share to enlighten their students with e.g Jesus
- Vocational - Jesus was the quintessential teacher
- Has an exceptionally high level of knowledge and passion for their subject area - Drama
"What teachers do cannot be distinguished from who they are."
- Humble and Compassionate -
"Humility is admitting that I don't know the whole story. Compassion is recognising that you don't either." (Margaret Wheatley)
- Balanced
- Loving
- Personal Prayer and Reflection - Meditating and keeping a journal
- Patient
- Educational Doctor: 1. Diagnoses learning situation; 2. Prescribes appropriate treatment
- Respect - has great respect for their students not only as learners but also as people.
- Respect - commands that respect is returned
- Highly Organised but also a great improvisor and highly creative thinker (Adaptable)
- Spontaneous (Relates to Adaptability)
- Well developed sense of Humour (often to diffuse situations)
- Strong sense of Self and personal view of the world
- Advocates Social Justice
- Wisdom and Stillness
- Able to build healthy relationships with students which foster greater learning
- Positive
- Relates well and connects well with students on levels other than the specific subject area
- A Leader rather than a Dictator
- Confident
- Desire to educate, inform, enrich and inspire
- Promotes constructivist education and connectivism
- Aspires towards becoming a digital native so as to implement effective ICT within the classroom
- Ethical
5 Major Dimensions of Expert Teachers:
- Can identify essential representations of their subject
- Can guide learning through classroom interactions
- Can monitor learning and provide feedback
- Can attend to affective attributes
- Can influence student outcomes (teaching is the greatest source of variance for educational results)
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