Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Ancient Lands _ Current Connections

We as a western society are totally detached from all that is spiritual and meaningful. We pride ourselves on economic rationalism and technological advancement. Those who have lived the life of the land or are ancestors of those who have done so have a deep connection to all that is spiritual.

Nature/the land is a perfect bridge into this place for many of us. It provides a reflection of what is created without man and has stemmed from the great life source that courses through the universe.

As a teacher, especially of young men, who it must be said are more inclined to pursue the dogmatic social convention of more, more, more, it is imperative that I facilitate in them the consciousness to see outside this paradigm. For to realise the beauty of the spiritual connectedness that one can manifest, is to be a part of the great cosmic mystery.

And as Einstein himself proclaims, it is in this mystery that we can all find pure happiness in the unknown.

“Nature is happiest in the absence of man”.


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